About creating Dreamweaver templates
You can create a template from an existing document (such as an HTML, Macromedia ColdFusion, or Microsoft Active Server Pages document) or you can create a template from a new document.
After you create a template, you can insert template regions, and set template preferences for code color and template region highlight color.
Note: Templates in Adobe Dreamweaver differ from templates in some other Adobe Creative Suite products in that page sections of Dreamweaver templates are fixed (or uneditable) by default.
For a tutorial on creating templates, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0157.
For a tutorial on using templates, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0158.
About editing and updating templates
When you make changes to and save a template, all the documents based on the template are updated. You can also manually update a template-based document or the entire site if necessary.
Note: To edit a template for a Contribute site, you must use Dreamweaver; you cannot edit templates in Contribute.
Use the Templates category of the Assets panel to manage existing templates, including renaming template files and deleting template files.
You can perform the following template management tasks with the Assets panel:
Create a template
Edit and update templates
Apply or remove a template from an existing document
Dreamweaver checks template syntax when you save a template but it’s a good idea to manually check the template syntax while you’re editing a template.