Copy the Embed Tag
Autostart Video
- Upload your video at Youtube. The video can be any length. The time limit depends on your message and the patience of your intended reader. Industry wisdom suggests 15 seconds. Microsoft has tested 90 seconds. It can even be a 30 minute program, but few people can be interrupted for a 30 minute show.
- For each video, Youtube provides an 'embed' tag. Click and copy the tag to the clipboard.
Here is a sample embed tag:
Paste into tEarn
- Sign into your account at
- Click Advertiser on the left menu. This is your ad cart.
- Edit an existing template or create a new template.
- Paste the embed tag into the supplied textbox.
Changing the Size of the Video
tEarn uses the IAB 770x500 ad size. Edit the embed tag in two places as follows:
To automatically start the video, insert the &autoplay=1 into the embed tag as follows:
Continuous Loop
To repeat and restart the video, insert &loop=1 as follows: