Monday, September 8, 2008

Manage Web Users With Custom Profile Providers


With ASP.NET 2.0, you can add authentication, authorization, and profiles to your Web site without writing a single line of code. That's quite a step forward from the way things used to be. Like most of the new features in ASP.NET 2.0, authentication, authorization, and profiles each have their own built-in providers. You can think of providers as modules that contain the methods for a particular task. These providers are quite flexible-they can be customized by specifying attributes that pass information into the provider to allow it to execute different behavior. For extreme customization, though, it may be necessary to replace a built-in version with a custom or third-party provider.
The Profile feature in ASP.NET allows developers to specify per-user settings or data. All this data can be stored in an anonymous profile so that settings can be retrieved without requiring the user to log into the site. However, if the user creates an account, these settings can be migrated to the logged in profile. The anonymous profile feature can also be turned off.
To store and retrieve a user's profile properties, simply name each profile property and add them to the profile element in the web.config file, as shown in Figure 1. This puts the profile properties into the profile's SettingsPropertyValueCollection. You may also specify the data type and a default value for each property.

ASP.NET reads the web.config file in search of the profile section group. If one is found, ASP.NET then looks for a type or connection string attributes (not included in Figure 1). If neither is found, the machine.config file is examined. In most scenarios, the machine.config file would not have been altered since ASP.NET was installed. By default, the machine.config file has the System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider registered as the default provider for the profile feature. The SqlProfileProvider is defined to use the LocalSqlServer connection string name to connect to the target database for profile information (all connection string names and attributes are stored in a group called connectionStrings, found in the web.config file). Again by default, the LocalSqlServer connection string is defined as a SQL Server™ 2005 Express database that can be found at DataDirectoryaspnetdb.mdf (translated in ASP.NET as \App_Data\aspnetdb.mdb).
The database used by the SqlProfileProvider to store profile information must be configured using a known schema. If a SQL Server 2005 Express database is being used, ASP.NET can dynamically create the database file and create the necessary tables, views, stored procedures, and so forth on demand; otherwise, the aspnet_regsql tool from the Microsoft® .NET Framework SDK can be used. One of the tables, the aspnet_Profile table, is used for storing the profile information for each user. When a user assigns a profile property to his profile, a new row is added that contains the user's unique UserID, the names of each of the profile properties in a single column, and the data that relates to each of the profile names in another column. In Figure 2, you can see that the data is stored as a BLOB. The property names and values can be in a variety of data formats including a continuous string, an XML dataset, or a binary serialization of the data. As a result, storing profile data using the built-in profile provider can make it difficult for a developer or database administrator to query or modify the data using SQL. If the default provider's functionality doesn't completely meet your needs, a custom provider can be used.


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